Sunday 25 October 2015

Thought for the Day from Mummy

My Aunt Mildred had the biggest heart – I’ve not known another so full of genuine love and such compassion for others. After many fulfilling years on this earth, she left us in February of this year.

Just a few days ago I received an email from her son, my dear cousin Junior…so called because he bears the same name as his father. It’s a message he had sent days earlier to his mummy’s grandchildren, and in his message to them, Junior writes:

“Your grandmother used to write a lot. I had this Psalm and ‘Thought for the day’ in my Bible for a long time without reading it. For some reason something told me to read it today…”

Now, I thought of relating this story differently but after reading what Junior himself had written I saw how lovely his words were; I could not have said it better.

Junior shared his mummy’s “Thought for the day” first with her grandchildren and then with her nieces and nephews. I felt it was much too beautiful to keep to myself and asked if he’d mind my sharing it with others.

So, here I am, permission received with a cautionary note that says that he is not sure that “these sentiments are directly from Mummy”. Who knows if it’s a Mildred original; I believe these sentiments are hers – a mother’s handwritten message to her son…

“Read Psalm 138

I asked the Lord to give me everything that I might enjoy life. He gave me life that I might enjoy everything.


Hanging on to our hurts can separate us from God and from other people. The more we dwell on that hurt, the more it multiplies. Soon we may be able to see nothing else, not even God. Unwillingness to let go of the past has imprisoned more souls than all jails throughout the centuries. The key that unlocks that prison is mercy – not a one-time supplication but a daily application. As we show mercy to others, God’s mercy heals our hearts. It’s a never-ending stream of renewal. Truly God’s mercy does endure forever. Mercy for them, mercy for me.”

Junior said, “For some reason something told me to read it today”...there’s always a reason.

"Thought for the Day from Mummy"  Shelley Johnson 24-Oct-2015

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