Friday 30 October 2015

A Majority

If you are in a difficult situation, you do not need to struggle in your own strength. You need to look to the One who is able; the One who is always for you, the One who has promised to never leave you nor forsake you; the One who is all mighty to save and deliver you out of any situation and every circumstance – He is God Almighty.

Romans chapter eight and verse thirty one assures us that “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Even when you are faced with the most trying of circumstances, God is for you. Even when you do not feel His presence, God is for you. He is always at your side and on your side. God is for you!

In times of struggle, difficulty, hardship, persecution, trouble and trial, it is important to remind yourself of Romans 8:31 by declaring,

“God is for me, so no-one and nothing and no situation can prevail against me!”

Yes, when God is for you, you and God together are a majority and with God on your side you shall prevail.

So, whatever comes against you, remember this simple equation:
Me + God = A Majority

A Majority ©2013 Shelley Johnson 29-May-13

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