Friday 23 October 2015

The Faith to endure the cross

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2

Jesus demonstrated to us how to walk in faith and His actions and obedience to faith have perfected our faith. Studying Jesus’ behavior leading up to His crucifixion reveals to us the faith that God requires of His children.

Faith trusts God even in the face of death (see Daniel 3:10-26). We are to trust God completely in all circumstances, standing firm in faith.

Jesus Christ had perfect faith and it is in His faith that our faith is made complete. Our hearing the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ produces faith in us that gives us direct access to God’s limitless provision.

Jesus, through His faith, pleased God because without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). God said about His Son, “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17). God is willing to say the same of us if we would place complete faith in Him and act upon that faith.

Jesus’ faith in God’s will, was greater than His desire to not endure the agony of the cross (see Matthew 26:36-46). Jesus understood that God’s plan was much bigger than what was immediately before Him. We too must understand that God’s plan for our lives is much bigger than what we are able to see. We are to continue in faith despite the trials and challenges that we may be facing. 

Be encouraged and know that God has not left you but is with you all the way. Jesus was confident in God’s ability to strengthen Him during this time of extreme agony and He had faith that God would. 

Jesus had the faith to endure the cross because He knew that, God being faithful to His promise, the results of His sacrifice would be eternal.

Amen †

The Faith to endure the cross ©2013 Shelley Johnson 26-Mar-13

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