Wednesday 7 October 2015

“Jesus Weeps” [John 11:35]

At the site of Jesus’ last miracle was recorded one of the shortest, yet perhaps the most poignant verses in the Bible, “Jesus wept.” [John 11:35]

Like the Jews that witnessed this event, many of us believe that Jesus wept because His dear friend Lazarus had died. But, was this the reason for Jesus’ tears?

If we go back to verse 33, we see that when Jesus saw Mary, Lazarus’ sister, and the Jews who’d come with her, sobbing, He was deeply moved in spirit and troubled.

Moving ahead to verse 38, we read that Jesus was still sighing repeatedly and deeply disquieted. 

Now armed with this information, let’s imagine the scene that has been set for us, keeping in mind that this was the same Mary who had sat at Jesus’ feet feeding on the Bread of Life... 

The same Mary to whom Jesus had promised would see the glory of God if she would believe and rely on Him...

It was that same Mary who would anoint the Lord with the essence of nard then gently and lovingly wipe His feet with her hair...

It was this same Mary, who Jesus considered a dear friend, loved, and held in loving esteem...

The same Mary who worshiped at Jesus’ feet in an offering of love and complete devotion giving herself in an act of humble submission and dependence...

This same Mary who had chosen the one thing that was needful…

In other words, Mary knew Jesus intimately, yet lapsed into a state of unbelief, sobbing in agreement with those insincere Jews, at a time when her faith in Jesus should have been exercised and proven. And this is why Jesus wept!

Jesus weeps when, after all that He Himself has revealed to us, and even after He has arrived on the scene, we still sob in unbelief. 

Jesus desires that we believe, believe Who we know He is. 

He wants us to have faith and not doubt. 

Jesus wants us to agree with what we know and not with what we feel. 

Jesus exhorts us to look at Him and not at the scene of our circumstances.

Amen †

“Jesus Weeps” [John 11:35]©2014 Shelley Johnson 10-Apr-14

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