Wednesday 28 October 2015


Today, listen to seven Truths…

Listen! – your present troubles are small and won’t last very long [2 Corinthians 4:17]…

keep your eyes on Jesus

Listen! – after you’ve suffered a little while, God Himself will restore you [1 Peter 5:10]…

keep trusting Him

Listen! – do not be discouraged, God is with you [Joshua 1:9]…

keep meditating on His Word 

Listen! – stand still and see God’s salvation [2 Chronicles 20:17]…

keep standing firm 

Listen! – suddenly, God will show up and change your circumstances [Acts 12:7]…

keep expecting

Listen! – Jesus’ grace is sufficient for you [2 Corinthians 12:9]…

keep leaning on His strength

Listen! – Jesus died to give you life…abundant Life [John 10:10]…

keep your eyes on Jesus 

Listen! Shelley Johnson 27-Oct-15

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