Saturday 17 October 2015

“Lord You know…”

“Your womb is consumed by fibroids”

“Your chances of ever getting pregnant are very slim”

“You have an inverted womb”, What?!!

“Your womb is upside down”

“You may never have children”

“You have sickle cell trait”

“Your getting pregnant is out of the question”

I smile, a sad smile, but still a smile,

Lord You know…

“You are eight weeks pregnant”

weight loss


nursing home


I smile, a sad smile, but still a smile,

Lord You know…

“Nowhere for baby to pass!”

caesarean section

operating room

blood gushing, not stopping

no hope

one foot in, the other on a banana peel

Did I smile, a sad smile but still a smile? I’ll never know

Lord You know…

“It’s a boy, a beautiful, healthy boy!” – CALEB

“Your womb is consumed by fibroids”

“Your chances of ever getting pregnant again are even worse than before”

“You have two choices, remove your womb now, or later – no more children”

Lord You know…

Nine months later

“You are seven weeks pregnant”

no weight loss

no pain

no nursing home

no “drips”

I smile, a happy smile, I laugh, a hearty laugh

Lord You know…

“It’s a girl, a beautiful, healthy girl!” – DANAE

Lord You know!

“Lord You Know…” ©2006 Shelley Johnson

"With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26 ( NIV )

Caleb and Danae 2015

"Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a real blessing." - Psalm 127:3 (GNT)

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