Thursday, 31 December 2015

Step into the Supernatural...Let’s get personal

It is the end of year two thousand and fifteen. I can’t say that it was not without its challenges, its ups and downs, highs and lows, ebbs and flows. But through it all…Jesus. He was always at my side, even when it did not feel as though He was nearby, He was right beside me and when I was distracted and shifted my focus from Him to other things, He was still there. He is my Paraclete – He’s always at my side. I often had to remind myself of this truth.

So, what’s in store for 2016? This is a question I posed to God just days ago. I don’t think that it’s an unreasonable inquiry. After all I really thought that 2015 would have seen the back end of this storm I’m in. Now with only one more day to go I don’t know. But you know what, though I may not know, God knows. He is God and if He wants to He can make this storm cease immediately with just one word. One of my favourite verses of Scripture let's me know that God already knows the outcome,

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” – Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP)

What a great promise! Do you understand what that means? That means that we can rest assured that God already knows what He has planned for us, for you and for me. Knowing that it is a good plan should give us great hope for our future no matter what we may be going through right now. 

Yes, I thought, I know that, but I wanted more than that, I wanted God to give me some details. 

I know His plan for me is a good plan. I know that I can expect a great outcome; a victorious outcome. Yet, I wanted more. Greedy? Perhaps. Curious? Maybe a little, nahhh, a lot. 

Then I got what I asked for, I got more. Not exactly what I was expecting but it was more. God led me to Matthew 14:25-31. Read it now for yourself. Okay, I’ll give you a brief synopsis.

Matthew 14:25-31 tells us about the time the disciples, caught in a storm, saw Jesus walking on the sea. They thought He was a ghost and were afraid but Jesus told them, “Take courage! I AM! Stop being afraid!” (AMP). Then, Peter told Jesus that if it was really Him command him to come to Him on the water. Jesus, at that point said “Come!” and Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus. 

“But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid” (verse 30 – JUB). The Bible goes on to tells us that at that moment Peter began to sink, Jesus reached out, caught Peter, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (verse 31 – AMP)

Okay God, I said, I’ve read the Scripture, what are You telling me? 

Now, I have read this passage many times. I’ve heard it explained from the pulpit on several occasions but I had never seen what God was about to reveal to me. Perhaps you already know it but it was new to me, and I feel moved to share it with you today anyway.

“But when he saw the wind”…”when he saw the wind?” 

Do you remember the little poem we used to say as children? The first two lines go like this, “Who can see the wind? Neither I nor you”. Exactly! We cannot see the wind! We can feel it, see the effects of it but we cannot see the wind with our natural eyes. Also, in the natural, we can wade into water but we cannot walk on water. So what was really going on here? What was God telling me? 

Verse 25 says, “And in the fourth watch [between 3:00 – 6:00 a.m.] of the night, Jesus came to them, walking on the sea.” (AMP)

The fourth watch, the hours just before dawn – it’s darkest before the dawn. It was in the darkest hours of the storm when Jesus came to them, and it’s when He comes to us. 

Just before this, Jesus had been up in the hills by Himself praying – He had been in the presence of God for hours even while the storm was raging (verse 23). Jesus’ focus was God. He was already in the realm of the supernatural. His faith was well bolstered from being in God’s presence, for faith comes by hearing and hearing from the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) Jesus was able to confidently stand on the Word of God. So this was Jesus’ state of being by the time the disciples saw Him – Jesus was walking in the supernatural realm.

When Peter called out to Jesus in the midst of the storm, “command me to come to You on the water”, Peter was asking Jesus to cause him to do what He was doing – walking by faith on the Word of God. Jesus’ “Come!” was an invitation for Peter to step into the supernatural with Him. And, Peter accepted Jesus’ invitation. He stepped out of his comfort zone, his place of security (the boat) and into the supernatural realm. 

Jesus had given Peter one word on which to place his faith, “Come!”, and clinging to that word from Jesus and trusting in Jesus, the Word of God (john 1:1, 14), he stepped on to the water and into the supernatural.

In the midst of this ferocious storm, all Peter received was one word from Jesus. Think about this for a moment. What word have you been given? 

I’ve received so many promises from Jesus in the midst of this storm I’m in, yet when I asked for more a few days ago – just a little something more – “Come!”, I too received this simple invitation. “Come!” That’s all I got, and it’s all you get at the dawn of 2016. 

Then God said to me, “There is a difference between you and Peter. Peter did not have this story, he was living it as it happened but you have it as an example, a lesson. Peter stepped into the supernatural and when He saw the wind, he tried to understand what he was seeing with his own human understanding. He stopped focusing on the Word, on Jesus, and he began to sink.”

Proverbs 3:5 is very clear, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” (NLT)

God said that when I step into the supernatural, “do not try to figure out what you are seeing, do not look left or right, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, do not lose focus, meditate on the Word that I gave to you, do not be distracted”. 

I understood what God was revealing to me and I believe!

I believe that I am in the fourth watch when it appears to be darkest, belying the fact that dawn is fast approaching. I have stepped out of my boat and into the supernatural.


I am determined to keep focused on Jesus and the Word He gave to me. I do not want to sink under the waves like Peter. 

I am determined that no matter what I see, hear, feel, taste or smell, I will not depend on my own understanding and natural human reasoning. 

I choose to believe that Jesus is my Restorer. I choose to believe that Jesus is all that I need Him to be. I choose to trust Jesus completely to do what He says He will do. 

Beloved ones, I have absolutely no doubt that Jesus wants me to share this revelation with you on this last day of 2015. Today I pray that you will accept His invitation to “Come!” out of your boat and step into the supernatural.

Amen †

Step into the Supernatural...Let’s get personal Shelley Johnson 30-Dec-2015 

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

A Living Sacrifice

So then, my brothers, because of God’s great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him. This is the true worship that you should offer. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect. Romans 12:1-2

Apostle Paul is telling us that we are to dedicate every iota of our being to God for transformation by allowing Him to completely change our minds. Our minds enable consciousness, thinking, reasoning, emotions, perception and manage our bodies. In other words, our minds are the control centres of our bodies, therefore God wants us to give Him complete control of our lives.

By changing our ways of thinking and perception, God will take us to a deeper level of spiritual consciousness. He will redeem our powers of reasoning and heal every wounded emotion. God wants to transform us into persons worthy of sacrifice – a Living Sacrifice.

To become a living sacrifice, we must be willing to lay down our lives. This, for many, is a frightening prospect but remember, what we are willing to give to God we get to keep.

For whoever wants to save his own life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. Matthew 16:25 

Our self sacrifice to God is a spiritual process which lasts a life time and carries great reward.

Be willing to give your life over to God. Today, make the decision to follow Jesus into the wilderness and allow the Spirit of God to begin your inward transformation. 

In the wilderness, expect to be denied of the usual comforts and pleasures of your life – your fast has begun.

A Living Sacrifice ©2013 Shelley Johnson 13-Feb-13

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Already In The House

Ephesians 2:6, as it is written,
“And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the Heavenly Sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).” [AMP]

Scripture tells us that when we accept and receive Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, we in Him and He in us, we are seated together with Him in our Father’s House – that’s why Jesus tells us that as His followers, even though we live in this world we do not belong to this world (see John 17:14, 16). Spiritually, we are in the Heavenly realm, the House of God.

Bethel means House of God
As a Believer, your position is in Jesus, so that means that you are already in the House – the Heavenly places found in Him. 

You must understand that in Jesus you were chosen before the foundations of the world were even laid. God picked you out to be His own child through Jesus Christ because it was His intention and His pleasure for you to be a part of His family, to be a part of His divine plan long before He spoke Creation into existence (see Ephesians 1:4, 5, 11).

Knowing this Truth, let today be the beginning of a new phase in your life – a new day – in the One Who, in love, willingly sacrificed His life for yours, to provide you with the opportunity to be a part of His household, ushered in through the Blood that Jesus shed on the cross, accepted and approved by God.

Amen †

Already In The House ©2013 Shelley Johnson 02-Sept-13

Monday, 28 December 2015

Jesus walked on the water…you must walk on water too!

“…He came walking toward them on the sea.” Matthew 14:25 (NRSV)

No Man's Land Tobago

Jesus’ walk on the water is an example for us to follow and, even though His was a physical walk, ours, on the other hand, is a symbolic walk.

Throughout Scripture, water is symbolic of the Word of God and even though in this instance it is sea water the symbolism expressed remains the same.

Isaiah 11:9 (NRSV) tells us, “…for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

Jesus tells us, “…If you know Me, you will know My Father also…the Father and I are One” (John 14:7; 10:30 - NRSV)

And we know that Jesus is the Word from reading John 1:1, 14.

When Jesus walked on the water, He was trusting in the knowledge of His Father to hold Him up in the midst of the raging storm. He knew without doubt that His Father was able to keep Him and sustain Him even in the worst situations. 

Jesus operated solely by the Word of God, the Father. He listened and was completely obedient to God and in this account of Him walking on water, Jesus is teaching us to do the same.

Amen †

Jesus walked on the water…you must walk on water too! ©2014 Shelley Johnson 5-Jun-14

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Have you ever heard the voice of God?

Have you ever heard the voice of God? You may believe that you have never heard God’s voice, though it is your greatest desire to hear from Him. But have you been listening?
Too often we assume that hearing from God means that we ought to hear a loud audible voice and oftentimes that is not the case. Look at what happened to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13 – after all the commotion, God’s voice came to him as “still and small”

Beloved, hearing from God would take the form that God deems most fitting [see Job 33:14-18]. God chooses the way He wants to communicate with us. For instance God Himself may not speak to you at all but use someone to deliver His message. 

God may choose to convey His message through a dream or a vision, like He did with Daniel and Joseph. One definite way of hearing from God is through His Word. The Bible is God’s own Word and reading it is hearing what God has to say. 

What you can know for sure is that God wants to communicate with you, and He is willing to teach you His voice, you just need to pay attention and listen, not in your head or in your ear but somewhere deep inside your heart [see Hosea 2:14; Luke 24:32; Hebrews 4:7]. 

Keep in mind that learning is a process and so too is learning to hear the voice of God, so be patient, and listen intently. 

As you foster communication with God through reading your Bible and going to Him in prayer daily, you will create an atmosphere of hearing and a state of constant communication with God, and just like with any other form of communication, He will begin to converse with you, and you will hear the voice of God. 

Amen † 

Have you ever heard the voice of God? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 28-May-13

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Take Every Opportunity

Yesterday, Christmas Day, was a day of giving gifts and receiving gifts. We would have been careful to give gifts that we know our loved ones would like, appreciate and use. Just as we have been particular in our gift-giving, so too the Holy Spirit.

As it is written,
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and He gives them to each one, just as He determines.”
1 Corinthians 12:4-5, 11 (NIV)

Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit of God gives gifts to each person, every one distinct and different, though He remains the same. 

We are expected to use these various gifts that we’re given to lift up high the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and not in any way to give glory to ourselves. 

Our aim is to take every opportunity to use these precious [spiritual] gifts in service to Christ; be it in the form of possessions, words of knowledge, spiritual understanding, wonder-working faith, power to heal, prophecy, the gift of interpretation of dreams, visions and of tongues, the ability to discern between true spirits and false ones, and all other diverse spiritual gifts.

Today, let us resolve to take every opportunity to use our gifts, our time and our possessions to advance the cause of Jesus Christ.


Take Every Opportunity ©2013 05-11-2013

Friday, 25 December 2015

It's Christmas Day...Merry Christmas!

Just to let you know that I made it! It's Christmas Day! 

Five Trees I decorated this Christmas

Merry Christmas! 

I hope you have a great day surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones, and more than anything else, engulfed in the love of Jesus.

Shelley, Bethel At Balata 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

So it’s Christmas Eve…let’s get personal

So it’s Christmas Eve and the house is thoroughly clean, the black cake is baked, the ham thawed and ready for the oven, the tree’s up and beautifully decorated, and the gifts wrapped, just to place under the tree later tonight…did I leave anything out? Don’t think so. It’s just for me to relax now and wait for tomorrow. Hold up! That’s in an alternate universe!

Let’s go back a bit. Every year, yes, every year I say the same thing…”Christmas Eve must find me with every thing done. I’m not going through this another Christmas Eve! No! Next year I just want to be able to relax on Christmas Eve and wait for Christmas.” Yes folks, every single year I say it and every single Christmas Eve I’m in a supermarket somewhere. Why?

Psst...I have a cousin, by mid November she’s already posting photos on Facebook of about 12 black cakes, 10 sweet bread, her beautifully decorated tree, pone, paime (pronounced pay-me)and pastelles – everything done at her house! And, on top of that she’s the manager of a very busy bank. Now’s the time to scream “Arrrghhh!” if you care to.

Let me begin again…

So it’s Christmas Eve and all the public spaces at my house are thoroughly clean, “Yay!”…the fruits for the black cake I put to marinate in alcohol only this past Monday, the ham, my husband forgot to take out of the freezer yesterday, this he tells me in the dead of night last night, so that has to be done this morning, so you know what that means, it won’t thaw ‘til tomorrow – Christmas Day – if you want to scream "Arrrghhh!" again, on my behalf, be my guest. 

My saving grace…the tree is indeed up and beautifully decorated, actually two trees are up and beautifully decorated. I did one, the Peacock Tree and my daughter the other. The other, lovingly called Scanty Tree, is the first tree my husband and I bought as a married couple, so it’s that old and it is indeed scanty, you can see straight through it. Left up to me I'd throw the thing in the garbage but my daughter says, "It has sentimental value Moh-meee!"

These days we only get gifts for small children – my neighbour’s six children (that's enough gifts right there), my 2 year old goddaughter, my 3 year old great nephew, and 9 year old twin nieces. I just know that I’ve left someone out.

So it’s Christmas Eve and I still haven’t seen a supermarket, I still have to get gifts for the small ones and wrap them, I still have cake and ham to bake, and let’s not talk about the private spaces. But I promise you that it’ll all be done by midnight (well, not the ham) and, I am not letting Christmas Eve find me in this same position next year.

Peacock Tree and Scanty Tree

So it’s Christmas Eve…let’s get personal Shelley Johnson 24-Dec-2015

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

“What about Joseph?”

As you know we’re in the season of Advent – the time when we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And, during this season, through different media, we are transported back to that time when Jesus was born. We hear of how God chose a humble young woman named Mary from an insignificant town named Nazareth to give birth to the Christ. And, of course, we hear about the baby, Jesus, for after all, He is the reason for this celebration. 

But, what about Joseph, Mary’s husband? No one seems to pay him much attention. His journey must have been quite a perplexing one. God had also chosen him, since, he was engaged to Mary – God chose Joseph to be father to His Son Jesus. Like Mary, he too had to pay a very dear price for his role in humiliation. Let’s go to the Gospel of Matthew for Joseph’s perspective.

Joseph was already engaged to be married to Mary when she would have received the message from the angel Gabriel. Matthew 1:18 tells us that “before they came together, she was found to be with child”. What a blow! Just put yourself in Joseph’s shoes for a moment. You’re about to marry a young sweet virgin girl; all the plans are in place and preparations for the wedding have already begun. You see, in those days, once that pledge had been made and accepted, preparations began for the big day. 

Joseph would have journeyed from his father’s house to offer Mary’s father a price for marrying her; the two would have agreed, the price paid, and a covenant made. Then Joseph and Mary would drink from a single cup to symbolize their shared life. Joseph then went back to his father’s house to wait and prepare their future home, while Mary prepared herself and her clothing and waited for Joseph to return. This was a 12-month period of sacred separation where they were absolutely committed to be faithful and pure. 

And after all this, to hear from his wife, that she is pregnant? He knew that “he had no union with her”. What thoughts must have run through Joseph’s head – “What manner of story is this Mary? Didn’t we commit to be faithful and pure? I was.”

“Then Joseph her husband, being just and not willing to expose her publicly, desired to leave her secretly.” Matthew 1:19 (JUB)

Joseph was a just man – morally upright and obviously well brought up – he wasn’t one to hastily jump on facebook and twitter to air his dirty laundry in an attempt to embarrass his wife for her perceived indiscretion. Joseph did not fight humiliation with humiliation. He was not determined to seek revenge. Instead, despite the hurt, the confusion, the disappointment, the mistrust, the emptiness, the emotional upheaval, and the humiliation he must have been feeling, Joseph decided to divorce Mary quietly. 

Joseph’s reaction to his dilemma ought to teach us all a lesson. He patiently and thoughtfully considered what he should do. His was not a knee-jerk reaction. And it proved to be a good thing because it was while he was contemplating his next move that “the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in dreams” (Matthew 1:20 – Jubilee)

 How do you react to news that damages your ego? How do you respond to perplexing situations? When your spouse, significant other, or loved one tells you something that leaves you confused and dumbfounded, what do you do? Joseph did not go to God, God came to him (the angel of the Lord is the pre-incarnate Jesus) but you can go to God if you find yourself in similar unimaginable circumstances. 

Do not be hasty, take time to consider, and talk to God. Ask Him to lead and guide you. Wait patiently for God and He will sort things out for you.

Amen †

“What about Joseph?”    Shelley Johnson 22-Dec-2015

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

The Angels’ Song

After an angel of the Lord had delivered the incredible message of Christ’s birth to the watchful shepherds living out in the fields, the Bible tells us that “a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God“. The angels descended upon Bethlehem singing glorious songs of praise in celebration of the birth of Christ – it was Christmas!

It’s not yet December 25th but today can be Christmas Day for you. On Christmas Day we celebrate Christ’s birth – the manifestation of God in human form here on earth (John 1:14) – but you can celebrate the birth of Christ in your life today. Simply ask Him to come into your heart and He will bring you new birth; if you have already done so, you can ask Him to be birthed anew in you. When you experience Christ in your life, you too, like the angels, will burst into songs of praise,

“Glory to God in the highest, peace to men on whom His favour rests!” [Luke 2:14]

Amen †

The Angels’ Song ©2013 Shelley Johnson 26-Jun-13

Monday, 21 December 2015

“May it be to me…”

For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment…

Luke 1:37 (AMP)

When angel Gabriel came to Mary with the fantastic news of Jesus' conception and birth, she did not hesitate to believe. Despite the shock and ridicule she would have to face, Mary accepted the reality of what would be with humble acquiescence. 

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said.”
Luke 1:38 (NIV)

As a matter of fact, Mary, as a sign of her trust in, and devotion to God, sang a song of praise. And in that song, she glorified God, she rejoiced in Him, and declared His goodness. Mary believed and therefore, in her case, sang.
If we believe, we too must sing praises to God.

Today, determine in your heart to believe and therefore speak,

God’s plan for my life is far greater than what I am currently living! God’s word contains power and no word from Him is impossible of fulfillment! I am the Lord’s servant and what the Lord has said, will be fulfilled in my life…everything is possible to me because I believe!

(see 2 Corinthians 4:13; Mark 9:23)

“May it be to me…” ©2014 Shelley Johnson 29-May-14

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Mary Believed

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, revealing to her the greatest and most incredible news..."Do not be afraid, Mary...For nothing is impossible with God." - Luke 1:30, 37

Mary, in humility, chose to believe.

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!" - Luke 1:45

Declare today,

I am blessed because I believe that what the Lord has said to me will be accomplished!

I believe that God is the God of the impossible!

I believe that God will do what He has said that He will do!

I believe that God will bless me beyond my imagination!

I believe in God and today I choose to trust and obey Him!

Praise be to God!

Mary Believed ©2012 Shelley Johnson 14-Dec-12

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Praise the Lord!

Yellow Poui on the hills of Maracas Valley

Praise the Lord! © 2012 Shelley Johnson 17-Dec-2012

Friday, 18 December 2015

Nehemiah’s Prayer

Even though the three day journey into restoration has passed, God’s season of restoration continues. With that in mind I couldn’t help but think of Nehemiah. So, I grabbed my Bible and turned to the book that bears his name. 

Briefly, Nehemiah, when he had inquired about the Jews who had survived captivity and about Jerusalem, was told, by his brother, [the people] are in great distress and reproach; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its [fortified] gates have been burned (destroyed) by fire.”– Nehemiah 1:3 (AMP)

Upon hearing this news, Nehemiah sat down and wept and mourned for days (this seemed a natural follow-up to yesterday’s post). And what interested me most is that Nehemiah, did not just weep and mourn, he prayed. He immediately turned to God. How many of us faced with a situation turn to God first even amidst our weeping and mourning? How many times have we sought to figure things out ourselves? What trouble are you facing today; what great need…what seemingly insurmountable challenge? 

How about making Nehemiah’s prayer your prayer? Praying his prayer in your situation by using his words as your own? Nehemiah’s prayer was heartfelt – not a vacuous monologue devoid of sincere emotion and genuine care – and he was very specific. 

So, open up your heart to God, allow yourself to be utterly exposed (transparent and honest), be specific and, remember God’s great ability to intervene, as you pray…

Lord, You are the God of heaven. You are a great and awesome God Who keeps His covenant with those who love You and obey Your commandments. You show them Your love. 

Please pay careful attention to my prayer. I know You see what I’m suffering. Please listen to me, as I pray to You day and night. 

Thank You for Your promise that if I turn away from You, the moment I return to You, You will bring me back, drawing me to Yourself. I thank You that once I obey Your commands, You will gather me together again even from the farthest places on earth, and bring me to the special place where You have chosen to put Your Name.

Lord, I am your child and I desire to serve You. Use Your great strength and mighty hand to set me free from (name any specific problem). Lord, please pay careful attention to my prayer. Thank You for listening to my prayer. I take delight in bringing honour to Your name. Give me success today by granting me favour in the presence of men. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen †

Nehemiah’s Prayer Shelley Johnson 17-Dec-2015

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Restore my brokenness

When was the last time you had a good bawl…not cry but weep; a sniveling wail from the heart where tears and snot combine and fall from your chin? 

You know, sometimes we can be so pious in our crying out to God that it stifles our being honest with God. If there’s a time to be yourself, let your defenses down and expose the true you, it’s when you come to God. He already knows what’s in your heart. He already knows what you’re carrying deepest within you. So, why not be real? Just be yourself. 

You want God to move upon your life but yet you are holding back from Him. You want God to restore your brokenness but approach Him with an air of aloofness. This may sound foolish but even though God already knows everything about you, He still wants you to reveal yourself to Him. God wants you to let it all out – the anger, the hate, the bitterness, the resentment, and the pain – because that’s how you’ll get free. Don’t you want to be free? 

You’ve carried the burden of your brokenness far too long. God wants to restore what’s been broken in your life. Will you not let Him? Aren’t you willing to be real to God and allow Him to be real to you? Yes it’s painful for you, but it will yield good results. 

David, of whom God said was a man after His own heart, was incredibly honest, open, and transparent with God. Just read the Psalms he wrote and you’d see what I mean. David held nothing back; his writings express a roller-coaster of emotional highs and lows, joy and sorrow, pain, fear, elation and praise. David poured himself out to God – everything he was, and everything he felt. 

We have all been broken in one way or the other. We are like broken vessels, and only God can fully restore us. God is the Restorer of our brokenness. 

Isn't it time you had a good bawl? Today, go to God, drop your hands down and pour yourself out, "Restore my brokenness!"

Amen †

Restore my brokenness      Shelley Johnson 17-Dec-15

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Three Days’ Journey

God says “Restore!”, I say “Restore!” – this is a new day, a new beginning…it’s my time to believe, it’s my time for restoration…

Today marks the last day of our three-day journey. Three days which signaled a call for restoration. It may be the last day but it is certainly not the final day to see God’s restoration power at work in our lives.

Three days’ journey symbolizes our progression into a new beginning. Throughout the Word of God we see three-day journeys repeated again and again.

It took the Israelites three days’ journey from Egypt to the wilderness, where they had a new beginning.

“Let us take a three-day journey into the desert…” Exodus 3:18 (NIV)

Further on, in Exodus chapter 15, we see where the Israelites traveled in the desert for three days without finding water. Then God revived them by making the bitter waters of Marah sweet. Also in Matthew 15:32, a great crowd of over four thousand who had been with Jesus for three days without having anything to eat, was miraculously fed with just seven loaves and a few fish. “Restore!”

Jonah’s burial in the belly of a great fish was three days and three nights, after which he was restored to life in order to continue his journey to Nineveh. It took Jonah three days to walk through this vast city after which the Ninevites received restoration and a new beginning. (see Jonah 3)

So too our three days’ journey shall not be without effect. God is about to perform a great restoration in our lives – yours and mine. Just as we have seen the supernatural power of God to restore at work in these instances, know that that same supernatural restoration power is at work in your life now.

God has shown us what is possible with Him, if we would trust Him and believe that He exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)


The Lord is even today working toward my full restoration!

Amen †

Three Days’ Journey Shelley Johnson 16-Dec-2015

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Season of God’s Restoration

Joel 2:25 (KJV), as it is written,

“And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you.”

God says “Restore!”…I say “Restore!” ; I believed therefore I speak…

I declare this is the Season of God’s Restoration over my life. Father, Restore!
I experience an unprecedented manifestation of God’s restoration in every area of my life. Father, Restore!
God’s restoration is always greater than the original and I receive His much-more restoration, for God has taught me how to be a gracious receiver. Hallelujah! 

This is the Season of His Restoration! God will restore to me the years that the locust has eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm – the swarming locust, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust – His great army which He sent among me and my family. And, we shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the Name of the Lord our God, Who has dealt wonderfully with us; and we, as God’s people, shall never be put to shame. This is God’s promise to me – I receive it in Jesus’ Name. It is already established in heaven. Father, Restore! Restore it all! 

Everything super-abounds to me and my family! We are engulfed in God’s great restoration power – from broken relationships to dwindling finances, even the hairs on our heads – God has restored it all. Hallelujah! I declare His restoration over my life. I declare His restoration over the lives of my family members. 

I have stepped into the Season of God’s Restoration and I graciously receive God’s super-abounding restoration! Hallelujah! Praise be to God!

The Season of God’s Restoration Shelley Johnson 08-April-2015

Monday, 14 December 2015

Restored Fellowship

Isaiah 42:22, ...and no one says, "Restore!"

Listen, if God says "Restore!", then you say "Restore!"

The word for the next three days is "Restore!". It must be on your lips, in your thoughts, and deepest within you. God desires to restore to you everything that has been lost (Deuteronomy 30:3) or appears to be dead and dry (Ezekiel 37:1-14) in your life. The life that God made enter into the dry bones in Ezekiel chapter 37, is the same life God will breathe into every dead situation in your life. Are you ready to receive resuscitation, revival, and restoration?

What about your relationship with God? Do you even consider that? Has something been lost? Is it alive or dead, or dying or non-existent? Have you become so mired in life's circumstances that you've lost sight of Father, Son, and Spirit? Do you have a relationship with Him? The time has come to take an honest look at the life you're living, and specifically, at where God is in your life. Yes, an honest look. And after you've done that, if you decide to go on this journey of restoration, let your relationship with God be your first step.

In the meantime, have a read...

“…indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3 (ESV)

Adam’s fall from grace in the Garden by his willful disobedience to God, created a loss of fellowship with God for all of mankind and has also placed us all in a state of separation from God – spiritual death; but God in His love and mercy has a plan to restore us to complete fellowship with Him and to give us spiritual life.

God’s awesome plan consists of the work of grace through His Son Jesus Christ and is not accomplished through any efforts or sacrifices on our part. Jesus Christ shed His blood for our restoration.

Remember, Jesus paid the price in blood for our reconciliation with God.

Remember, Jesus paid the price in blood to free us from the sentence of spiritual death.

Remember, Jesus paid the price in blood so that we can be born again as new spiritual creatures in Christ.

Our ultimate destiny is to be restored to the full fellowship of God by recognizing and accepting the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. 

Now, as you think on this journey of restoration, I pray the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. Amen. 

Restored Fellowship ©2013 Shelley Johnson 15-Mar-13

Sunday, 13 December 2015


“Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty.” Ephesians 6:18 [AMP]

To pray is to be in communion and fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Praying is our greatest access to God – when we pray we enter into His presence. God wants us to make praying a way of life – to develop a habit of praying. 

Too often we pray only as a last resort when faced with troubles or challenges. We use prayer as a religious remedy to soothe our consciences, or in the hope of manipulating God in some way, or as an opportunity to move God. We must pray with right motives and in sincerity. Do not offer hypocritical prayers to God (see Matthew 6:5) like the Pharisees, whose religious concepts were rejected by Jesus Himself. 

God’s Word exhorts us to pray in the Spirit. To do so, is to allow the Holy Spirit to inspire, direct, and guide us in prayer. In this way we will be praying in Truth and “according to the will of God” (see Romans 8:26-27). Consider it a privilege to pray about those things that the Spirit of Truth prompts us to pray about. This is true prayer and it opens up a divine channel for us to connect with God, spirit to Spirit in a spiritual conversation.

Pray ©2013 Shelley Johnson 11-Jun-13

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Prayers for today


Father, I pray that You would give me a vision of Your sovereignty that will bring me to my knees in worship and in adoration – that will cause me, like David, to dance and prance, rejoicing before You; that a view of Your holiness will bring me to humiliation at my present state, knowing that I have far to go, but in Christ Jesus I will indeed go and bear the fruit of righteousness.

Teach me, through the working of Your Holy Spirit within me, how to properly work out my own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is You Who works in me, both to will and to work for Your good pleasure (Philippians 2:12-13). Work through me O God, as I strive for holiness and to be conformed to the image of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Only You are sovereign O God, controlling all that You do through love for Your people. And it is You, the True and Living God, Who works all things together for my good and Your glory, that I pray, through the matchless name of Jesus Christ with thanksgiving, Amen †. 


Lord Jesus Christ, You have opened the floodgates of grace to me, and so, I now set my heart to experience the more-than-superabundance of Your grace. I declare that from today I see Your grace and favour upon my life each and every moment of every day. Amen †.


You, O LORD, are exalted forever! I thank You for exalting my strength – making me as strong as a wild ox, and for anointing me with Your finest oil; for causing me to flourish like a palm and to grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon; planted in the Lord’s own house, I flourish in the courts of my God. I declare even in old age I will still produce fruit, I will remain fresh and green, declaring, the LORD is upright, He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him! Hallelujah! Praise be to God! Amen †

(Psalm 92:8,10,12,13,14 & 15)


Lord, I thank You that the days are coming when You will fulfill the gracious promise You made to me. Amen †

(Jeremiah 33:14)

"Prayers for today" Shelley Johnson 2015

Friday, 11 December 2015

Take My Burden

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
Matthew 11:28 (AMP)


Father, I understand that it is not Your will for me to worry and carry this burden of (mention the problem, care or burden). Your Word says that I should give You all my worries and cares. Today Father, I am placing it into Your hands. Help me to leave it with You and not try to take it back.

I thank You for caring for me. I thank You for providing me with all that I need, including relief from this burden. In the Name of Jesus, my burden bearer and yoke destroyer. Amen.

Take My Burden ©2013 Shelley Johnson 5-Feb-13

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Prayers of Comfort

Our God cares about us and wants us never to be without comfort. He has given us a Comforter that is always with us, His Holy Spirit.

“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter, that He may remain with you forever.” – John 14:16

Remember, God knows what is going on in our lives, He is our ever-present Comforter in times of need and will come to us as we pray.


Lord, be my Comfort:

Lord I pray that Your unfailing love will be my comfort in this time of distress. Thank You for taking note of me. I will keep my eyes on You Lord because I know that You are my only consolation. Forgive me for looking to others for the comfort I should be seeking from You. All praise and glory to You, O Lord of my comfort, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The source of my comfort:

I bless You God, my Father for Your compassion toward me and I thank You for being the source of my comfort. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

Comfort in a Season of Trial:

Lord I thank You that through Jesus, the Spirit of Comfort was given. I pray that during this time of trial, Your same Spirit will comfort my heart and strengthen it in every good work and word.

Lord, even though this is a very disheartening time, I rest assured that this season of trial shall soon pass. I thank You that through it all, Jesus, in Whose Name I pray, will be glorified. Amen.

Being a comfort:

I praise You O God, Father of compassion and God of all comfort, for comforting me in all my troubles. I thank You that because of the comfort I receive from You, I now know what it is to be comforted and am able to comfort others. Let every word that I speak bring comfort to those who hear. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayers of Comfort by Shelley Johnson ©2013 8-Feb-2013

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Prayer for Today

“Give in to God, come to terms with Him and everything will turn out just fine. Let Him tell you what to do; take His words to heart. Come back to God Almighty and He’ll rebuild your life. Clean house of everything evil. Relax your grip on your money and abandon your gold-plated luxury. God Almighty will be your treasure, more wealth than you can imagine.” – Job 22:22-25 (MSG)

Let us pray,

Lord, You are my Treasure, far beyond any wealth that I can ever think of or imagine. Thank You for revealing to me the true riches of Your Kingdom. I set my heart on You alone as I completely submit to Your way, Your will, and Your instruction. Cleanse my heart of everything evil so that it may freely receive Your Word. Help me to hold tightly onto You as I relax my grip on, and abandon, the things of this world. Thank You for rebuilding my life and renewing my spirit. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins; teach me how to forgive as You do, so that I will be quick to forgive. Lord, make me truly grateful for all that You have given me and may I always delight myself in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Receive the blessing of the Lord...

The Lord bless you and keep you. 
The Lord smile down on you and show you His kindness.
The Lord answer your prayers and give you His peace.

Prayer for Today ©2013 Shelley Johnson 29-Sep-13