Friday 18 December 2015

Nehemiah’s Prayer

Even though the three day journey into restoration has passed, God’s season of restoration continues. With that in mind I couldn’t help but think of Nehemiah. So, I grabbed my Bible and turned to the book that bears his name. 

Briefly, Nehemiah, when he had inquired about the Jews who had survived captivity and about Jerusalem, was told, by his brother, [the people] are in great distress and reproach; the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its [fortified] gates have been burned (destroyed) by fire.”– Nehemiah 1:3 (AMP)

Upon hearing this news, Nehemiah sat down and wept and mourned for days (this seemed a natural follow-up to yesterday’s post). And what interested me most is that Nehemiah, did not just weep and mourn, he prayed. He immediately turned to God. How many of us faced with a situation turn to God first even amidst our weeping and mourning? How many times have we sought to figure things out ourselves? What trouble are you facing today; what great need…what seemingly insurmountable challenge? 

How about making Nehemiah’s prayer your prayer? Praying his prayer in your situation by using his words as your own? Nehemiah’s prayer was heartfelt – not a vacuous monologue devoid of sincere emotion and genuine care – and he was very specific. 

So, open up your heart to God, allow yourself to be utterly exposed (transparent and honest), be specific and, remember God’s great ability to intervene, as you pray…

Lord, You are the God of heaven. You are a great and awesome God Who keeps His covenant with those who love You and obey Your commandments. You show them Your love. 

Please pay careful attention to my prayer. I know You see what I’m suffering. Please listen to me, as I pray to You day and night. 

Thank You for Your promise that if I turn away from You, the moment I return to You, You will bring me back, drawing me to Yourself. I thank You that once I obey Your commands, You will gather me together again even from the farthest places on earth, and bring me to the special place where You have chosen to put Your Name.

Lord, I am your child and I desire to serve You. Use Your great strength and mighty hand to set me free from (name any specific problem). Lord, please pay careful attention to my prayer. Thank You for listening to my prayer. I take delight in bringing honour to Your name. Give me success today by granting me favour in the presence of men. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen †

Nehemiah’s Prayer Shelley Johnson 17-Dec-2015

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