Thursday 3 December 2015

Soul Food

Have you ever eaten Soul Food? The American South is famous for its Soul Food; food so rich in flavour, that it makes every taste bud in your mouth rejoice and ignites your other senses. Its aroma draws you to it and just to look at it makes you crave it.

Soul Food is satisfying and even after you’ve had your fill you still want just a little bit more. Although you may never have eaten American Soul Food, there must be some type of food that you can’t get enough of.

So now that all your senses have been stimulated, imagine God’s Word as Soul Food that is much better. 

The Soul Food effect of God’s Word far exceeds the effect physical Soul Food has on you. God’s Word is spiritual Soul Food! And, once you start to consume it, your appetite for it becomes so intense, your soul longs to have more and more of it. 

God’s Word doesn’t just satisfy, it completely satisfies and devouring it fills you with joy and delight that is felt deep inside you. 

“When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight…” 
[Jeremiah 15:16]

Just as your body needs physical food to live, the Word of God provides the spiritual food your soul needs to live in Christ Jesus.

“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” 
[Matthew 4:4]

Like Job you must treasure God’s Word more than physical food and partake of it on a daily basis (Job 23:12). 

Peter tells us to crave it (1 Peter 2:2). 

So, open your mouth like Ezekiel and feed on the “as sweet as honey” Word of God, filling your stomach with it (Ezekiel 2:8, 3:3).

Beloved, God’s Word is a veritable buffet. He has given you so much to feast on in His amazing Word. A menu that is full of every and anything you could ever think or imagine to nourish your soul…God has left nothing out of His sumptuous Soul Food banquet, so take and eat. 

Soul Food ©2013 Shelley Johnson 11-Sep-13

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