Wednesday 16 December 2015

Three Days’ Journey

God says “Restore!”, I say “Restore!” – this is a new day, a new beginning…it’s my time to believe, it’s my time for restoration…

Today marks the last day of our three-day journey. Three days which signaled a call for restoration. It may be the last day but it is certainly not the final day to see God’s restoration power at work in our lives.

Three days’ journey symbolizes our progression into a new beginning. Throughout the Word of God we see three-day journeys repeated again and again.

It took the Israelites three days’ journey from Egypt to the wilderness, where they had a new beginning.

“Let us take a three-day journey into the desert…” Exodus 3:18 (NIV)

Further on, in Exodus chapter 15, we see where the Israelites traveled in the desert for three days without finding water. Then God revived them by making the bitter waters of Marah sweet. Also in Matthew 15:32, a great crowd of over four thousand who had been with Jesus for three days without having anything to eat, was miraculously fed with just seven loaves and a few fish. “Restore!”

Jonah’s burial in the belly of a great fish was three days and three nights, after which he was restored to life in order to continue his journey to Nineveh. It took Jonah three days to walk through this vast city after which the Ninevites received restoration and a new beginning. (see Jonah 3)

So too our three days’ journey shall not be without effect. God is about to perform a great restoration in our lives – yours and mine. Just as we have seen the supernatural power of God to restore at work in these instances, know that that same supernatural restoration power is at work in your life now.

God has shown us what is possible with Him, if we would trust Him and believe that He exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)


The Lord is even today working toward my full restoration!

Amen †

Three Days’ Journey Shelley Johnson 16-Dec-2015

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