Tuesday 8 December 2015


O Lord, You are my God; I trust in You; my times are in Your hands. O Lord, how great is Your goodness which You have stored up for me! How great is Your goodness which You have bestowed upon me in the sight of men! I take refuge in You. Thank You for hiding me in the shelter of Your presence. Thank You for keeping me safe in Your dwelling. Thank You for delivering me in Your righteousness. Thank You O Lord, for being my refuge; let me never be put to shame.  Thank You for turning Your ear to me, for coming quickly to my rescue and for being my rock of refuge – a strong fortress to save me. Thank You O Lord, for leading me and guiding me. Thank You for redeeming me. I trust in the Lord! I am glad and rejoice in Your love. Thank You for setting my foot in a spacious place. You have shown me Your wonderful love. Praise be to You O Lord! Thank You for not cutting me off from Your sight, for hearing my cries, and for answering me when I call out to You for help. Thank You for preserving me. 

Now to You Lord, Who lets Your face shine on me and saves me in Your unfailing love, be all honour and glory forever and ever Amen.

[Prayer: from Psalm 31  Shelley Johnson 04-May-2015]

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