Sunday 27 December 2015

Have you ever heard the voice of God?

Have you ever heard the voice of God? You may believe that you have never heard God’s voice, though it is your greatest desire to hear from Him. But have you been listening?
Too often we assume that hearing from God means that we ought to hear a loud audible voice and oftentimes that is not the case. Look at what happened to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13 – after all the commotion, God’s voice came to him as “still and small”

Beloved, hearing from God would take the form that God deems most fitting [see Job 33:14-18]. God chooses the way He wants to communicate with us. For instance God Himself may not speak to you at all but use someone to deliver His message. 

God may choose to convey His message through a dream or a vision, like He did with Daniel and Joseph. One definite way of hearing from God is through His Word. The Bible is God’s own Word and reading it is hearing what God has to say. 

What you can know for sure is that God wants to communicate with you, and He is willing to teach you His voice, you just need to pay attention and listen, not in your head or in your ear but somewhere deep inside your heart [see Hosea 2:14; Luke 24:32; Hebrews 4:7]. 

Keep in mind that learning is a process and so too is learning to hear the voice of God, so be patient, and listen intently. 

As you foster communication with God through reading your Bible and going to Him in prayer daily, you will create an atmosphere of hearing and a state of constant communication with God, and just like with any other form of communication, He will begin to converse with you, and you will hear the voice of God. 

Amen † 

Have you ever heard the voice of God? ©2013 Shelley Johnson 28-May-13

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