Sunday 6 December 2015

What I Know

I know that I love God because He first loved me…

God has called me by name, I am His. So, when I pass through the waters, God is with me; and when I pass through the rivers, they will not…yes, they will NOT sweep over me. When I walk through the fire, I will not be burned…no, no, no! The flames will not set me ablaze.

He is the Lord, my God! The Holy One, my Saviour! I am precious and honoured in His sight…and, God loves me…yes, God loves me. God loves me! I was created for His glory…I am His witness whom He has chosen…and…

I know and believe Him, and understand that He is God.
Yes, no one can deliver out of His hand. 

When God acts, no-one and nothing can reverse it…no-one, and nothing (period)

God is my Redeemer, the Lord, the Holy One, my Creator, my King. He makes a way through the sea; a path through the mighty waters – God is doing a new thing! I will NOT dwell on the past. God is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland…

I know…that, because God loves me, and I love Him, and because He has called me according to His purpose, He is working together all these things I'm going through for my good…

God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a future with hope…

I know when I call upon God and come and pray to Him, He listens to me; when I seek God with all my heart, I find Him. I find God and He brings me back – God restores me, and…restores to me. Hallelu Yah! God restores my fortunes!

God is the One Who knows…and bears witness.

I know that God will fulfill His promise to me, His gracious promise of complete restoration – to bring me back…bring me right back to a place even better than it was before, in quality and quantity; double, twice as much, as I had before…and, even more than that!

I know, yes, I know Whom I have believed! And I am convinced that He is able!

I know that God can do ALL things. God can do ALL things!

I plan of His can be thwarted, no purpose of His can be thwarted…the Lord will bless the latter part of my life more than the first. This is my inheritance from God, my Father.

I know…indeed I know, if God is all I have, then I have all I need!

Amen †

(1 John 4:19; Isaiah 43; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11-14, 23, 10; Job 42:10; 2 Timothy 1:12; Job 42:2, 12, 15; 1 Timothy 1:17; John 14:8)

What I Know Shelley Johnson 13-Apr-2015

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