Wednesday 23 December 2015

“What about Joseph?”

As you know we’re in the season of Advent – the time when we celebrate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And, during this season, through different media, we are transported back to that time when Jesus was born. We hear of how God chose a humble young woman named Mary from an insignificant town named Nazareth to give birth to the Christ. And, of course, we hear about the baby, Jesus, for after all, He is the reason for this celebration. 

But, what about Joseph, Mary’s husband? No one seems to pay him much attention. His journey must have been quite a perplexing one. God had also chosen him, since, he was engaged to Mary – God chose Joseph to be father to His Son Jesus. Like Mary, he too had to pay a very dear price for his role in humiliation. Let’s go to the Gospel of Matthew for Joseph’s perspective.

Joseph was already engaged to be married to Mary when she would have received the message from the angel Gabriel. Matthew 1:18 tells us that “before they came together, she was found to be with child”. What a blow! Just put yourself in Joseph’s shoes for a moment. You’re about to marry a young sweet virgin girl; all the plans are in place and preparations for the wedding have already begun. You see, in those days, once that pledge had been made and accepted, preparations began for the big day. 

Joseph would have journeyed from his father’s house to offer Mary’s father a price for marrying her; the two would have agreed, the price paid, and a covenant made. Then Joseph and Mary would drink from a single cup to symbolize their shared life. Joseph then went back to his father’s house to wait and prepare their future home, while Mary prepared herself and her clothing and waited for Joseph to return. This was a 12-month period of sacred separation where they were absolutely committed to be faithful and pure. 

And after all this, to hear from his wife, that she is pregnant? He knew that “he had no union with her”. What thoughts must have run through Joseph’s head – “What manner of story is this Mary? Didn’t we commit to be faithful and pure? I was.”

“Then Joseph her husband, being just and not willing to expose her publicly, desired to leave her secretly.” Matthew 1:19 (JUB)

Joseph was a just man – morally upright and obviously well brought up – he wasn’t one to hastily jump on facebook and twitter to air his dirty laundry in an attempt to embarrass his wife for her perceived indiscretion. Joseph did not fight humiliation with humiliation. He was not determined to seek revenge. Instead, despite the hurt, the confusion, the disappointment, the mistrust, the emptiness, the emotional upheaval, and the humiliation he must have been feeling, Joseph decided to divorce Mary quietly. 

Joseph’s reaction to his dilemma ought to teach us all a lesson. He patiently and thoughtfully considered what he should do. His was not a knee-jerk reaction. And it proved to be a good thing because it was while he was contemplating his next move that “the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in dreams” (Matthew 1:20 – Jubilee)

 How do you react to news that damages your ego? How do you respond to perplexing situations? When your spouse, significant other, or loved one tells you something that leaves you confused and dumbfounded, what do you do? Joseph did not go to God, God came to him (the angel of the Lord is the pre-incarnate Jesus) but you can go to God if you find yourself in similar unimaginable circumstances. 

Do not be hasty, take time to consider, and talk to God. Ask Him to lead and guide you. Wait patiently for God and He will sort things out for you.

Amen †

“What about Joseph?”    Shelley Johnson 22-Dec-2015

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