Sunday 13 December 2015


“Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty.” Ephesians 6:18 [AMP]

To pray is to be in communion and fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Praying is our greatest access to God – when we pray we enter into His presence. God wants us to make praying a way of life – to develop a habit of praying. 

Too often we pray only as a last resort when faced with troubles or challenges. We use prayer as a religious remedy to soothe our consciences, or in the hope of manipulating God in some way, or as an opportunity to move God. We must pray with right motives and in sincerity. Do not offer hypocritical prayers to God (see Matthew 6:5) like the Pharisees, whose religious concepts were rejected by Jesus Himself. 

God’s Word exhorts us to pray in the Spirit. To do so, is to allow the Holy Spirit to inspire, direct, and guide us in prayer. In this way we will be praying in Truth and “according to the will of God” (see Romans 8:26-27). Consider it a privilege to pray about those things that the Spirit of Truth prompts us to pray about. This is true prayer and it opens up a divine channel for us to connect with God, spirit to Spirit in a spiritual conversation.

Pray ©2013 Shelley Johnson 11-Jun-13

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