Saturday 12 December 2015

Prayers for today


Father, I pray that You would give me a vision of Your sovereignty that will bring me to my knees in worship and in adoration – that will cause me, like David, to dance and prance, rejoicing before You; that a view of Your holiness will bring me to humiliation at my present state, knowing that I have far to go, but in Christ Jesus I will indeed go and bear the fruit of righteousness.

Teach me, through the working of Your Holy Spirit within me, how to properly work out my own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is You Who works in me, both to will and to work for Your good pleasure (Philippians 2:12-13). Work through me O God, as I strive for holiness and to be conformed to the image of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Only You are sovereign O God, controlling all that You do through love for Your people. And it is You, the True and Living God, Who works all things together for my good and Your glory, that I pray, through the matchless name of Jesus Christ with thanksgiving, Amen †. 


Lord Jesus Christ, You have opened the floodgates of grace to me, and so, I now set my heart to experience the more-than-superabundance of Your grace. I declare that from today I see Your grace and favour upon my life each and every moment of every day. Amen †.


You, O LORD, are exalted forever! I thank You for exalting my strength – making me as strong as a wild ox, and for anointing me with Your finest oil; for causing me to flourish like a palm and to grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon; planted in the Lord’s own house, I flourish in the courts of my God. I declare even in old age I will still produce fruit, I will remain fresh and green, declaring, the LORD is upright, He is my Rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him! Hallelujah! Praise be to God! Amen †

(Psalm 92:8,10,12,13,14 & 15)


Lord, I thank You that the days are coming when You will fulfill the gracious promise You made to me. Amen †

(Jeremiah 33:14)

"Prayers for today" Shelley Johnson 2015

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