Sunday 20 December 2015

Mary Believed

The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, revealing to her the greatest and most incredible news..."Do not be afraid, Mary...For nothing is impossible with God." - Luke 1:30, 37

Mary, in humility, chose to believe.

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!" - Luke 1:45

Declare today,

I am blessed because I believe that what the Lord has said to me will be accomplished!

I believe that God is the God of the impossible!

I believe that God will do what He has said that He will do!

I believe that God will bless me beyond my imagination!

I believe in God and today I choose to trust and obey Him!

Praise be to God!

Mary Believed ©2012 Shelley Johnson 14-Dec-12

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